- Belle/Belle II
High precision experiments on the decays of B-mesons produced exclusively in electron-positron collisions at the KEKB (Belle) and future SuperKEKB (Belle II) storage rings in Japan. Aiming at the understanding of the baryon asymmetry in the Universe by searching for Physics beyond the Standard Model via quantum loop transitions in rare decays of B-mesons and tau-leptons.
- Borexino
High-mass neutrino detector specialized on low-energy solar neutrinos using ultra.pure liquid scintillators in the Gran-Sasso laboratory. Operated by an international collaboration, initiated at TUM. Study of the solar neutrino fluxes at different neutrino energies.
Axion search facility, using a high field dipole magnet at CERN with pointing capabilities. Operated by an international collaboration. Search for the axion conversion in a magnetic field with subsequent detection.
High-luminosity experiment at the CERN SPS for muon and hadron scattering at 100-300 GeV. Operated by an international collaboration, partly initiated at TUM. Hadron spin structure, hadronic/gluonic excitation spectrum, low-energy QCD investigations
Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers. An experiment to search for weakly interacting massive particles as candidates for Dark Matter in the Universe.
- Dark Energy Survey
DES is designed to probe the origin of the accelerating universe and to help uncover the nature of dark energy. Main part of the project is the 570 Mpx camera DECam mounted on the Blanco 4-metre telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.
- Double CHOOZ
Neutrino oscillation experiment using two identical neutrino detectors (far and near) at the twin power reactor station Chooz (France). Operated by an international collaboration, initiated by TUM. Study of the neutrino mixing angle (sin theta_13) by disappearance of electron anti-neutrinos.
X-ray survey telescope developed at MPE to be mounted on the Russian Spectrum-Röntgen-Gamma satellite, launch planned in 2016. eROSITA should perform a new imaging X-ray all-sky survey in the 0.1-10 keV band, where the detection of one million active galactic nuclei (AGN) and 100.000 clusters of galaxies is expected. One of the prime scientific goals is the determination of the Dark Energy equation of state.
M-class mission of ESA's Cosmic Vision Program to be launched in 2020 with the objective to measure and understand the curvature and acceleration of the universe as well as dark energy and dark matter.
European Underground Rare Event Array. A European large-scale cryogenic detector for search for dark matter particles in the universe. European extension of the CRESST collaboration.
High-acceptance magnetic separator at SIS18 of GSI Darmstadt for production of relativistic beams of short lived nuclei following projectile fragmentation or fission. Studies of the very neutron-deficient or neutron-rich nuclei.
High-mass germanium detector system for the detection of neutrinoless double beta decay located in the Gran-Sasso laboratory. Operated by an international collaboration with the participation of the MPP.
Gamma-Burst optical/near infrared (NIR) Detector to follow-up Gamma-ray bursts (GRB) from the ground in order to determine their photometric redshift. The camera has 4 optical and 3 NIR channels and is sensitive to redshifts up to z=15. GROND is installed at the MPG/ESO 2.2m telescope.
High-luminosity experiment at GSI to study QCD phase transitions at low energies in hadron/nucleus interactions using hadron and ion beams. Operated by an international collaboration.
A very large fibre-spectrograph with ~150 integral-field units (VIRUS) being discussed for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (Texas). LMU has a share of the telescope and is involved in the HETDEX project aiming at studying baryonic acoustic oscillations from high-redshift Galaxies.
- IceCube
Large detector for ultra-high-energetic neutrinos at the South Pole using one cubic kilometer of ice below the Amundsen-Scott station.
- ILC/muon cooling
Projects in the framework of a next lepton-lepton collider envisaged by the international high energy physics community. A muon collider allows high precision studies of electroweak processes. Muon cooling is a prerequisite for such a machine demanding special R&D.
- Integral
ESA satellite mission for gamma-ray astronomy, carrying different gamma experiments. The gamma spectrometer SPI has been developed in an international collaboration, with MPE responsible for the anticoincidence system. MPA has access to a substantial amount of Integral data through the Russian share.
Facility at CERN PS Booster for production of short lived nuclei using Isotope Separation Online (ISOL) method. High-precision studies of masses, radii, and decay properties and reaction studies with reaccelerated beams of 2-5 MeV per nucleon.
Large Binocular Telescope on Mount Graham (Arizona, U.S.A.). Two 8.4m mirrors are installed on a common telescope mount and provide an unprecedented interferometric focus with a 22.5 m baseline. Germany has a 25% share in the LBT. MPE together with German Universities developed and built one of the facility instruments, LUCIFER, a unique multi-object near-infrared spectrograph with robotic slit-mask exchange unit.
(Low Energy Neutrino Astronomy). Ultra high-mass underground neutrino detector planned to study solar, supernova and geo-neutrinos. Initiated by TUM.
Very large multipurpose particle detector for highest energies at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Operated by a large international organisation with participation of LMU and MPP. Search for the Higgs particle and study of its properties, search for supersymmetric particles, testing of the standard model at high energies and small distance scale.
A system of two Cherenkov-Telescopes with 17 m diameter for the TeV gamma-ray range, developed and built by MPP. The telescopes are in operation on the La Palma Canary Island observatory, a second telescope is being constructed.
High luminosity experiment planned at the antiproton ring at FAIR with centre of mass energies of 3-6 GeV. Operated by an international collaboration, partially initiated at TUM. Study of quarkonia and gluonic excitation spectrum. Probing QCD at large distances with precision experiments.
- Planck
ESA satellite to study the microwave background emission with unprecedented accuracy, band coverage and angular resolution. A new dataset of cosmological parameters was released in March 2013.
- Precision experiments with neutrons
High and ultrahigh-precision experiments using neutrons in external fields (electric dipole moment of neutron) or neutron decay studies (lifetime, decay-asymmetries) for standard model tests. Performed at reactor based neutron sources ILL and FRM II. Part of TR25 at the DFG.
- Super-FRS
Very large acceptance magnetic separator at SIS 100/300 at FAIR for production of relativistic beams of very short lived nuclei following projectile fragmentation or fission. Factor 1000-10000 higher intensities compared to FRS.
- South Pole Telescope
The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10-meter telescope at the Amundsen-Scott station, Antarctica, used for observations in the microwave, millimeter and submillimeter range. LMU is part of the SPT collaboration.
- SuperMUC
New supercomputer at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) in Garching. With more than 155.000 cores and a peak performance of 3 Petaflops/s in June 2012 SuperMUC is one of the fastest supercomputers in the world.
- Swift
US/European X-ray satellite for the observation of gamma-ray burst after-glows. A large-area hard X-ray detector provides burst signals, which trigger a slew of the satellite to observe the afterglow with imaging X-ray and optical telescopes. MPE was involved in the design and calibration of the X-ray telescope.
- Tandem/MLL
Low energy 14 MV electrostatic accelerator for high-precision nuclear reaction studies with the Q3D spectrograph and highest sensitivity Accelerator Mass Spectrometry using a gas-filled magnet system for determination of supernova output and astrophysical reaction rates. Operated by the MLL of the two Munich universities.
Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) on the Paranal Observatory in Chile. Four telescopes with 8.2m diameter are equipped with a broad variety of powerful instruments, a substantial number of which have been developed in the Garching/Munich institutes. Several of the VLT telescopes can be combined interferometrically with smaller outrigger telescopes to form the VLT Interferometer VLTI.
A large public survey with the VLT Survey Telescope VST on Paranal. KIDS is makes use of the large CCD camera Omega-CAM developed and built at the LMU Observatory Munich in an international collaboration.
- XMM Newton
ESA cornerstone X-ray observatory carrying three X-ray telescopes with diameters of ~80 cm and focal length of 750 cm, equipped with X-ray CCD cameras and reflection gratings. The pnCCD sensor has been developed at the MPE/MPP semiconductor lab and the camera has been developed and built by MPE.
Leibniz Rechenzentrum, large computing centre of the state of Bavaria, located in Garching since summer 2006.
Rechenzentrum Garching, computing centre of the Max Planck Society located in Garching