Junior Research Groups of the second funding phase (2012 - 2017)
To stimulate new research activities, the Excellence Cluster Universe funded four new junior research groups in the second funding period 2012 to 2017. Each group is endowed with a leader position, two PhD student positions, a start-up grant as well as funding for investments and general spendings. Ten research group topics were advertised worldwide and many excellent outstanding young people applied from which the four new group leaders were competitively selected.
Dr. Torsten Dahms (TUM)
Junior Research Group Leader
Dr. Torsten Dahms"Studying the quark-gluon plasma via low-mass dilepton with ALICE" (experiment)
Dr. Stefan Hilbert (LMU)
Junior Research Group Leader
Dr. Stefan Hilbert"Formation and evolution of the cosmic large-scale structure" (theory)
Dr. Paola Popesso (TUM)
Junior Research Group Leader
Dr. Paola Popesso"Linking the Structure Formation process to the evolution of the galaxy Star Formation activity" (observation)
Dr. David Straub (TUM)
Junior Research Group Leader
Dr. David Straub"Interplay between direct and indirect searches for new physics" (theory)
Junior Research Groups of the first funding phase (2007 - 2012)
In its first funding period, the Excellence Cluster Universe had the mission to offer exciting career options to young scientists comparing favorably with international research institutions. Early in their career, Post-doctorate scientists could enter the track for a permanent professorship by leading a small research group funded by the Universe Cluster.
These former junior research lead by outstanding young scientists were:
- Detector Development in Particle Physics (Dr. Frank Simon)
- Astroparticle Physics (Dr. Jean-Come Lanfranchi)
- Extra Dimensions in Particle Physics and Cosmology (Prof. Dr. Ilka Brunner)
- Fundamental Physics with Neutrons (Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger)
- Dense and Strange Hadronic Matter (Prof. Dr. Laura Fabbietti)
- Observational Astrophysics (Prof. Dr. Jochen Weller)
- Theoretical Astrophysics (Prof. Dr. Barbara Ercolano)
- New Physics beyond the Standard Model (Dr. Martin Gorbahn)
- Particle Physics and the Early Universe (Prof. Dr. Stefan Hofmann)
- Heavy Quarks (Prof. Dr. Jochen Schieck)